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Lead with Integrity: Going WIDE in 2021

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Ethics Matters

February 2021

We are excited about this year and what we will accomplish in 2021. The NASBA Center for the Public Trust (CPT) will go WIDE in 2021. Allow me to explain.

Wisdom…At the CPT, we often speak of the value of a mentor. Regardless of age or experience level, we all need mentors. Mentors bring us wisdom. Wisdom can come from many sources; prayer, advice, reading, listening to elders, experiencing new things, etc. In 2021, one of the ways the CPT will go WIDE is through the pursuit and growth
of wisdom.

Innovation…In 2020, we learned we must create new ways to accomplish our goals. We all saw organizations and individuals use innovation on new levels. In 2021, I believe the distinguishing element for many will be innovation. Even when the pandemic ends, things will be different. In 2021, you will see the CPT’s innovation. We will introduce improvements and technological upgrades, new programs and exciting events.

Discipline…To balance innovation, one needs discipline in order to remain focused on the important. Using the CPT’s mission and strategic plan as our guide, we will have a disciplined approach in 2021. We recognize the value and impact we can make at the CPT. However, we also know our discipline and consistency will drive our overall effectiveness. We are committed to our mission, strategy and disciplined execution.

Execution…All the great plans in the world mean nothing without execution. At the end of 2021, we expect to look back at how we went WIDE and executed at an extremely high level. I learned from my athletic background that execution can defeat talent and can overcome a lack of resources. We plan to passionately pursue execution each time we have an opportunity to develop, empower and promote ethical leaders in 2021.

We invite you to join our journey as we go WIDE. As always, lead with integrity.