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CPT Prize Winners Attend Final Four After Waiting 20 Years (May/June 2016)

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Ethics Matters

May/June 2016

In 1986, Mark Harris waited in line, under the hot, Louisiana sun, to buy NCAA Men’s Final Four basketball game tickets. After waiting two, long hours, the ticket office announced all tickets were sold out. Harris was devastated and thought he would never get the chance to attend a Final Four event.

Harris’ luck changed after he and his wife, Beth, won tickets to the 2016 Men’s Final Four and championship games through the NASBA Center for Public Trust’s (CPT) 10 for 10 Anniversary fundraising event.

According to Harris, their experience was worth the wait. He said, "The enthusiasm of the fans was contagious. Since no Louisiana teams were playing, we adopted Villanova and had a ball pulling for their team."

After watching the semi final game, Mark and Beth generously gave the National Championship game tickets to a buddy from college. "Beth and I always have great experiences with the CPT, and we’re glad we could share it with others. We’re also looking forward to having a StudentCPT chapter at our alma mater in Lafayette, LA, in the near future," said Harris.

The CPT appreciates Mark and Beth for their continuous support of CPT programs and activities, and we are thrilled they enjoyed this special event.

> Read Full May/June 2016 Ethics Matters