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Board Spotlight – Coalter Baker, CPA

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Ethics Matters

March/April 2019

Coalter Baker was born and raised in Austin, TX, and graduated with a degree in accounting from the University of Texas. Since then, Baker has had a very full career and says, “It is so much more than numbers. This is a learned profession that allows us to help people solve problems in their financial lives.”

Become better acquainted with Baker and his journey to becoming the leader that he is today. The full interview can be found on

Tell us a little about yourself.
I was then very honored when the Governor of Texas asked me to join the Texas Board of Accountancy in 2003. I approached my service on the Board very seriously and had the chance to serve and chair several committees and task forces, as well as serve as presiding officer over the 11 years I served.

Once I became involved with NASBA, I experienced opportunities I never thought were possible. To date, I have served on many committees and as a NASBA representative to the AICPA Professional Ethics Executive Committee.

How did you become involved with the NASBA Center for the Public Trust?
The CPT is very visible at all NASBA functions. Its goals and objectives advance the ethical ideals that our profession should hold and begin training the next generation at a time when they are besieged with personal conflicts almost daily. I have been fortunate to get to know Alfonzo Alexander and the CPT is an extension of his heart.

What characteristics should every leader possess?
“Listen, Learn and Lead.” And always do it with a smile!

Which book should every leader read?
River of Doubt follows the trials, tribulations and near-death experience of President Teddy Roosevelt in his quest to explore South America. Reading this book, you feel involved in the mission.

Why should leaders be involved in the CPT?
When CPT students speak at NASBA functions, they appear to have a high level of
self-esteem and are focused on who they are and how they can be a part of solutions. People of any age could benefit from a connection with people who have goals to lead
us into the future.