Ethics Matters
September 2016
Drs.O.C. and Linda Ferrell, renowned ethics professors and consultants, and content developers for the CPT’s online certification programs, state that everyone within an organization is prone to encountering ethical dilemmas. Do you know your ethical risk?
It is a common misconception that only those in high-ranking positions risk facing unethical situations. However, an ethical dilemma can present itself to anyone – interns through C-suite executives. While there is no cookie cutter solution that will make employees ethical overnight, there are ongoing programs and professional development opportunities that can offer proper guidance when developing an ethical company culture or facing an ethical dilemma.
How are you addressing the potential ethical risk areas of your organization? How are you maintaining your integrity and credibility as an employee? Not sure where to start? For more information on developing ethical decision-making skills, visit the Ethics Training & Certification page.