Need help organizing your chapter meetings? Below is a comprehensive outline for conducting NASBA Student Center for the Public Trust (StudentCPT) meetings. Highlighting expectations and chapter requirements to stay on course for the semester is key to a successful StudentCPT year. Creating a calendar that aligns with what the StudentCPT national office and your campus needs will allow you to run your chapter smoothly. Please feel free to use one of the three templates to track your year. Good luck on your journey to becoming a Golden Star Chapter!
- Send contact information to share StudentCPT information.
- Review officer expectations:
- President –
- Vice President –
- VP of Marketing and Communications –
- VP of External Outreach and Programs –
- Secretary –
- Treasurer –
- Advisor –
- National Advisor – Jasmine Jenkins
- https://www.studentcpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/SCPT_Chapter-Manual_v0823.pdf Page 12 of this manual reviews officer expectations. It also can serve as a good reference for Golden Star Chapter Expectations.
- Golden Star Chapter requirements
- Elects officers
- Has a minimum of five (5) registered student members
- Conducts at least four (4) chapter meetings (may be virtual)
- Participates in at least one (1) StudentCPT-approved community service activity.
- Submits Activity Reports after each chapter meeting and community service project.
- Submits Fall and Spring End-of-Semester reports.
- Submits Officer Roster
- Promotes StudentCPT ethics competitions
- Sends students to the StudentCPT Leadership Conference
- Conducts at least one (1) additional chapter meeting, community service project, or other StudentCPT-approved activity.
- Presents a Campus Being a Difference Award for a deserving student and/or faculty member.
- Participates in Ethics in Action Video Competition or other StudentCPT-approved ethics competition.
- Everyone needs to renew their national membership.
- Discuss events/get a working calendar in place.
- Example: The Office Episode
- Example: Parkinson’s Walk
- Example: Second Harvest
- Example: Networking/etiquette event
- Funding
- Timeline
- Invites
- Creative thoughts/input/questions
- Example: Ice cream to start an on-campus conversation about ethics.
-Jasmine Jenkins, Student Programs Manager