A new year comes with new responsibilities, goals and adventures. Staying consistent means focusing on new chances, opportunities and the endless possibilities that will drive better outcomes. in this new year, seize the opportunity to become an ethical leader. Challenge yourself to discover your leadership style and strengths, confront ethical dilemmas you may face and work to confidently overcome them.
The Ethical Leadership Certification Program (ELCP) is a customized learning experience that allows teaching to be meaningful and impactful, now and in future endeavors. Accessibility is key with this online, at your fingertips tool for when you have the time to dive in and focus.
We understand that flexibility is a must and once a login is created, the ELCP is yours to take anywhere and time. This is your chance to positively impact your life and those around you by promoting ethical thinking in the developing character and conscience of students.
The ELCP helps college students identify ethical issues, learn how to respond to ethical dilemmas and enhance their ethical decision-making abilities. This program also helps students build their resumes and communicate values to future employers. The ELCP is comprised of six one-hour modules, including an interactive case study, ending with a final comprehensive exam.
ELCP learner access: https://learning.thecpt.org/products/ethical-leadership-certification-program-with-ethics-dash
Demo: https://learning.thecpt.org/courses/elcp-demo-test
Personalized ELCP link with suggested implementation guide for professors’ course: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form?EQBCT=037e1c1f5432421ebcd244588e227025
Email [email protected] for questions regarding the program.
-Jasmine Jenkins, Student Programs Manager