The 2023 StudentCPT Leadership Conference (SLC) was held in Kansas, MO, at the Kansas City Marriott Downtown, from June 26-28, 2023. This year’s conference theme was “Uncommon Leadership for Uncommon Times,” reiterating the importance of ethical leadership throughout changes in society.
The SLC was held in conjunction with the NASBA Western Regional Meeting with a total of 26 schools represented and 43 students in attendance. Students ranged in age, areas of study and academic classifications. It is important for students to participate in events like the SLC to hold open discussions on where ethical dilemmas are found, how to overcome them in life and in the work force and, most importantly, how to navigate the new normal they have to face on campus and in the world today.
The CPT was honored to host guest speaker and new NASBA CPT Board Member, Jason Brooks, Founder & CEO of Thrive, who broke down the Heart of Leadership and what that looks like in all aspects of life. Sedrik Newbern, a CPT consultant and professor at Western Kentucky University and a consultant for the CPT, presented on Small Talk, and how to maximize networking. This helped prepare students to network with NASBA members attending the Western Regional Meeting. CPT President Alfonzo Alexander focused on strengths-based leadership in his address to students and what that looks like in today’s professional settings as an ethical leader. The development sessions concluded with CPT Student Programs Manager Jasmine Jenkins leading students in a team building excercise and detailing what a Golden Star StudentCPT chapter needs to succeed on their last day.
It was an honor to have NASBA CPT board members Donny Burkett, David Costello and Jason Brooks serve as judges for the students’ competitions and give words of encouragement throughout the conference. NASBA CEO Ken Bishop closed the conference by sharing insight on his favorite reads and ethical dilemmas he faced early-on in his career.
The 2023 StudentCPT Leadership Conference was well-received by students as the CPT is collecting positive feedback on how to approach, navigate and display ethical leadership. The impact of being an uncommon leader in uncommon times will last throughout all areas of their lives, professionally and personally, for years to come.
-Jasmine Jenkins, Student Programs Manager