Since 2005, the NASBA Center for the Public Trust (CPT) has supported and promoted ethical leadership within the business community. After successfully honoring ethical business leaders for more than a decade through the Being a Difference Award, the CPT revised the program in 2017, and created the Bill Daniels Being a Difference Award program, sponsored by the Daniels Fund.
The recognition is reserved for leaders who go beyond making a difference; they establish a reputation for continuously Being a Difference by being ethical leaders who lead in their businesses and communities with honor and integrity. As an extension of the program, the CPT established the Campus Being a Difference Awards to provide StudentCPT chapters an opportunity to honor one student and one faculty member, annually, who positively impact their school by displaying strong, ethical leadership.
This year, the CPT received many incredible nominations. Below, is a list of outstanding Campus Being a Difference Award finalists and the reasons for which they were selected.
Carissa Peters, Graduate Student, Accounting Major, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- How does the nominee display leadership on campus? It was clear from her contributions in class that she has a highly developed sense of distinguishing between right and wrong. In a professional setting, her responses would indicate a person of integrity who will hold the line ethical standards regardless of the circumstances.
- How has the nominee displayed ethical behavior? She has displayed integrity in her behavior towards her peers and professors.
- Why is this nominee deserving of the Campus BADA? Carissa Peters has displayed exceptional contributions to ethical leadership in business through her integrity, professionalism, and high regard for standard.
Christel Espiritu, Senior, Accounting Major with Public Administration Minor, University of Guam
- How does the nominee display leadership on campus? She exhibits leadership in her role as president of the StudentCPT UOG Chapter and Junior Accountants Society and remains an example to her associates. Additionally, she doesn’t shy away from opportunities that can mentor her fellow students and aid.
- How has the nominee displayed ethical behavior? By abiding by the rules of academic conduct at the University of Guam. She remains a student in good standing and remains a positive ambassador of her organizations.
- Why is this nominee deserving of the Campus BADA? She is deserving because she continues to exemplify the StudentCPT’s vision of ethical leadership. The chapter’s members have grown thanks to her diligence and hard work. It’s through her leadership that the chapter may be awarded the Golden Chapter Status for this school year.
Luke Williams, Junior, Energy Land Management Major, Colorado Mesa University
- How does the nominee display leadership on campus? Luke is an amazing student and peer that exemplifies all the respected characteristics of a leader in a community. Although he does not always lead verbally, his actions speak louder than words; he is respectful, honest, communicative, courageous, and passionate in all his endeavors.
- How has the nominee displayed ethical behavior? He has been observed acting ethically by his peers, colleagues, and mentors. He is respectful toward his friends and classmates on campus and gives his professors his utmost respect in the classroom. He strives for success in all his ventures and does not veer from his moral compass.
- Why is this nominee deserving of the Campus BADA? Luke goes above and beyond to help others around him succeed. Whether it is staying late after class, taking extra notes, having a meaningful conversation with a peer, or donating his time to a campus cause, he strives to make a difference. Aside from Luke’s success at making a difference on campus, he donates a lot of his time toward helping the community through his firefighting.
Delaney Gust, Senior, Accounting Major, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
- How does the nominee display leadership on campus? Delaney is currently the vice president (she will be president in spring 2022) of the UCCS’ StudentCPT chapter. She has been very dependable and reliable in her position by showing up to every chapter event, engaging with members on a deeper level to make them feel welcome and appreciated, and she is always suggesting new ideas, initiating new projects, and eager to learn more about how the chapter can operate as a student organization on campus.
- How has the nominee displayed ethical behavior? Delaney always displays ethical behavior by taking care of her responsibilities without question, holding herself and others accountable to their responsibilities as well, and showing respect and kindness to everyone she meets.
- Why is this nominee deserving of the Campus BADA? She has put so much hard work into her chapter and time to make it an organization on campus that is a positive force for students. She is driven to make the world a more ethical place and is a wonderful role model.
Tucker Norman, Senior, Management & Marketing Majors, University of Wyoming
- How does the nominee display leadership on campus? Tucker’s peers will tell you they see him as a leader. To illustrate the point, Tucker was the first sophomore elected as an officer of the Ethics Club (treasurer) and the first junior elected as president. Furthermore, he is more than willing to step forward and volunteer or take on a responsibility when needed. In other words, he leads by example.
- How has the nominee displayed ethical behavior? In short, Tucker is an excellent student. Additionally, he is engaged, thoughtful, and driven to make a positive impact. Tucker is also certified in ethical leadership, has created his own personal code of ethics, and is a person of the highest character.
- Why is this nominee deserving of the Campus BADA? Tucker pushes his chapter to greater heights by enhancing SparkTank events/awards ceremonies and the chapter’s improved efficiency and operations. He is also working to improve the overall experience for chapter members.
Wanyi Fang, Sophomore, Finance and Accounting Majors, Belmont University
- How does the nominee display leadership on campus? Wanyi is a great communicator and encourages many students to get involved. She is eager to get to know students and help her peers in any way possible. Wanyi is vice president of the Asian American Association and shares her experiences as an Asian woman regularly with the association and greater university. She is also a member of the HOPE Council at Belmont, an incredible non-profit that works towards a more inclusive and diverse campus.
- How has the nominee displayed ethical behavior? Wanyi is great at following rules and encouraging other to follow them as well. She excels at taking responsibility and accountability when necessary. She exemplifies great professionalism and is well trusted and respected by students and faculty alike.
- Why is this nominee deserving of the Campus BADA? Wanyi has made great strides in bringing speakers to campus and worked with Belmont to host large-scale events. She is kind, exemplifies what it means to be a people-person, a great listener and friend, and most importantly a great StudentCPT president who built the chapter from the ground up and continues to get students interested in the organization.
Anna Belle Skidmore, Sophomore, Interdisciplinary Studies Major, Lipscomb University
- How does the nominee display leadership on campus? Anna Belle is the cofounder of the company Granola’d. She started her company in her parent’s kitchen and has grown it into a very successful small business.
- How has the nominee displayed ethical behavior? She has shown ethical leadership through the ingredients she uses in Granola’d. Anna Belle caters to those with gluten allergies and those who want a healthy, good tasting snack.
- Why is this nominee deserving of the Campus BADA? Anna Belle has shown that being ethical in business pays dividends. She has also shown perseverance by creating a successful company with just an idea and the materials she could find.
Jarrett Lea, Junior, Accounting Major, University of Southern Mississippi
- How does the nominee display leadership on campus? Jarrett has shown great initiative and joined many organizations within the College of Business at USM. He also works off-campus while maintaining a 4.0 GPA as a full-time student. Members of his Student CPT chapter see him becoming a leader within the College of Business, in the workplace, and beyond.
- How has the nominee displayed ethical behavior? Since Jarrett began attending chapter meetings, he has offered a fresh perspective on ethical decision-making and dives into the issues speakers bring forth.
- Why is this nominee deserving of the Campus BADA? Jarrett has quickly gained and applied leadership skills that will serve him well at the university. He is a rising star, and this award shows he is excelling in his academics and extracurricular activities.
Adam Bailes, Graduate Student, Accountancy Major, Marshall University
- How does the nominee display leadership on campus? Adam has been actively involved in campus organizations including serving as president of his StudentCPT chapter. He has also been an officer of several other groups such as Beta Alpha Psi and the Society for Advancement of Management.
- How has the nominee displayed ethical behavior? Adam’s behavior and conduct in class is exceptional. He is very well-respected by the faculty and his peers view him as a shining example.
- Why is this nominee deserving of the Campus BADA? During the height of the pandemic, Adam almost single-handedly kept the Marshall University StudentCPT chapter very active. He scheduled exceptional speakers, organized virtual meetings, recruited members, and promoted membership in the StudentCPT as a means of professional development.
Abigail Ferrell, Senior, Phycology, Philosophy, & Political Science Majors, Oklahoma State University
- How does the nominee display leadership on campus? Abigail is earning degrees in phycology, philosophy, and political science along with a minor in Spanish. Her involvement on Oklahoma State’s campus is unmatched as Abigail has been part of and held leadership positions within over 10 student organizations, honor societies, and boards across campus. She has also held internships with the Oklahoma Medical Reserve Corps and Stillwater History Museum at the Sheerar.
- How has the nominee displayed ethical behavior? Abigail approaches all her leadership positions with the intention of being open-minded and respecting others’ opinions. She believes that it is important to not domineer over other people when in a place of power; rather, listening to others’ opinions and perspectives to gain more insight and understanding to solve problems.
- Why is this nominee deserving of the Campus BADA? As someone who is applying to go to law school and has a vast background in different service organizations and honors societies, Abigail is most deserving of this award. She is extremely humble, holds herself to a high standard while making others feel heard and her execution of ethical leadership on campus is one to be admired.
Allegra Hintz, Senior, Marketing Major, Florida State University
- How does the nominee display leadership on campus? Allegra served as president of her StudentCPT chapter throughout the pandemic and continued to uphold the legitimacy of her chapter as members were dispersed across the state. Without any pandemic experience, she demonstrated exceptional leadership throughout the quarantine period.
- How has the nominee displayed ethical behavior? ThroughoutAllegra’s time with StudentCPT, her strong morals have helped her tackle each challenge head on, while retaining her ethics and handling each situation with grace.
- Why is this nominee deserving of the Campus BADA? Allegra inherited the presidency of her chapter at a time when its future was uncertain. But her commitment to the organization allowed the chapter to grow in number and retain its Gold Star status as well as become a fully recognized student organization at FSU.
To submit a nomination or review award criteria, please click here.
-Dina Barabash, NASBA Content Development & Web Specialist