If there was a group of individuals that could, on average, use extra income, it would be the college student. From housing, books and meal plans, the college years can be quite expensive. Should you find yourself in need of some extra funds, there are many ways to make some money in your spare time. Below is a list of ideas for those looking for opportunities.
- Rent Out Your Car: Live on campus or don’t use your car as much because you have online classes? Sign up with car-sharing services! This is a great way to make a little extra money when you are not using your car.
- Make Deliveries/Offer Rides: Have you ordered food to be delivered by DoorDash or UberEats? What about getting around town with ridesharing service like Uber or Lyft? Consider signing up for one! This system is flexible, and you can specify your hours. Additionally, you can get to know those that live in your area.
- Clean Out Your Wardrobe: As we move into cooler weather, it may be time to clean out your wardrobe. Get rid of items that no longer fit, you haven’t worn in some time or no longer enjoy. There are many second-hand stores that offer cash for donations.
- Review Apps and Websites: Students can earn a little extra money by writing app reviews and participating in focus groups. This is a great way to discover new tech from the comfort of your home.
- Be a Translator: Are you bilingual? If you can fluently speak another language, you can use your skill to earn some cash. Visit translator sites to sign up and begin assisting your community.
-Dina Barabash, NASBA Content Development & Web Specialist