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Stop Wasting Time- Tips to Stay Productive (Even at home in your pajamas!)

Now that we are spending more time in our homes, our schedules have changed, and we have had to adjust. Epitomizing productivity is at the top of most of our to-dos. But how do you stay on track when your day has become a lot more flexible? How do you prioritize tasks?

One good way to organize your daily tasks is to separate them into most to least important. Then, begin your day with the most important tasks. If you focus on simply checking off to-do list items, you’ll end up with a mix of important and less important tasks completed. To avoid this dilemma, begin with those tasks that are most time-sensitive and urgent. Many people experience higher levels of energy earlier in the day. Use this burst to your advantage when beginning your workday.

In addition, go into each day of work with two or three specific goals so that you can track your progress and make sure you are heading in the correct direction. Depending on how your team operates, you may or may not have weekly check-ins. In case that you do not, you should create your own goals for different timeframes. To become a successful remote worker, it is important to have both long-term and short-term goals. As you achieve each one, you will be able to track your progress and achievements. This will also be a great way to balance the days ahead.

Getting into a routine can be one of the best ways to stay productive. Repetition doesn’t need to be a bad thing. In fact, it can help you stay productive and focused throughout the day. Wake up at the same time each day, have a morning routine that works for you such as eating breakfast and working out in the morning and work in a distraction-free area of your home. Once you find what works best for your mind and body to stay focused and alert, you will want to continue these healthy habits.

-Dina Barabash, NASBA Content Development & Web Specialist