With everything that has occurred this past year and continues to unfold, you may be feeling a bit stressed. That is perfectly normal. The NASBA Center for the Public Trust (CPT) values positive mental health practices and encourages our students and members to take time to care for their well-being. If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, there are many ways to unplug and reset your mind.
Are you glued to your phone at all-hours of the day? This may be adding to your worry and discomfort. Rather, create a cell-free time in your day. Choose key times throughout your day when your cell phone is out-of-sight. For example, keep your phone tucked away when you have company over, are studying for an exam or interacting with colleagues.
Another great way to unplug is to clean-up your phone apps. Today, try to delete one app on your phone. The fewer notifications you have popping-up, the fewer distractions you will have throughout your day. Sometimes, we do not realize how distracting our phones can be when we are responding to notifications and alerts all day long. By removing some of the apps that we no longer need, we are reducing the noise pollution that affects our days.
Who says unplugging cannot be fun? If you are looking to take a step back from technology, make it a contest with your family and friends! See whom in your group can go the most hours without checking email, news, or social media. After a certain amount of time, a day, a week or even a month, see how you are feeling. Will you feel more positive? Time for yourself will yield positive results. Let us know how you chose to unplug this year.
-Dina Barabash, NASBA Content Development & Web Specialist