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Tips for Pursing Productivity While Working from Home

In recent weeks, companies around the globe have shifted employees to virtual platforms in efforts to help fight the spread of COVID-19. Apple, Google, Chevron and Salesforce are among the numerous organizations putting their employees and client’s safety first.

In 2017, it was estimated that 8 million Americans work from home on occasion. However; for many American workers, teleworking is unchartered territory. Check out these tips to maximize your workday:

Set Your Workspace Up for Success

Does setting the mood for your workday include listening to music? You’re not alone. In a study conducted by Robert Half, 71% of workers say listening to music makes them more productive. Other ways to set the mood include starting your morning off by lighting a candle; scents of eucalyptus are said to improve focus. Are you a coffee lover? Brew a fresh pot before opening up your laptop. The smell of coffee can make you alert even before taking your first sip. 

Take Your Work Outside

Take advantage of warming springtime temperatures! Being outside for just 20 minutes a day can boost your immune system, lower stress levels and increase productivity.

Stick to a Schedule, then Treat Yourself

According to a study out of the University of California Irvine, it takes on average 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back on task after being distracted. Silencing your cell phone and removing email notifications are just a few ways to eliminate the most common distractions.

A friend of mine who works from home regularly likes to set her kitchen timer for 30 minutes as she tries to knock out as much as possible within that defined window of time. Once the timer buzzes, she treats herself by checking her phone, stretching or listening to a favorite song.

Plan a virtual coffee break with a coworker (or happy hour if it’s after 5:00 pm). Make breaks a family affair, whip up a fun and silly snack. Check out YouTube for virtual exercise classes.

Keep Business as Usual

In most cases, your fellow employees are working from home just like you although their distractions may look a little different than yours. Send calendar invites just like you would if you were in a traditional office setting, even if it is just for a catch-up phone call. This allows your coworkers to properly prep for the call and eliminate unnecessary background noises. Are your kiddos home from school? Time recommends these indoor activities to keep children occupied while parents work from home.

Utilize technology to keep coworkers accountable for project tasks. Smartsheet, Basecamp, Slack and Wrike are great project management tools to keep business going as usual.

What keeps you pursing productivity throughout the workday? We would love to hear from you! Email us your tips at [email protected].

Ashley Metivier
Student Programs Manager