(Pictured: The CPT Team and Belmont StudentCPT officers with Nashville Mayor, Megan Barry.)
March is not only a time for watching college basketball or pinching those who are not wearing green, it’s a time to celebrate women and their achievements that have changed communities, cultures, governments, healthcare, economies and the arts around the world.
Since 1987, with the help of the National Women’s History Project, the United States Congress has passed resolutions and made an authorization to proclaim the month of March as Women’s History Month. Presidents since 1995 have issued proclamations to observe the month and its history.
Check out these eight ways to celebrate “Girl Power.”
- Watch a movie or read a book that makes you say, “You go girl.”
- Write a good, old-fashioned thank you note to a woman who empowered and encouraged you, both personally and professionally.
- Research and learn about the women in your specific industry who created, discovered and innovated best practices. Better yet, host a lunch and learn at work to teach others about these powerful women.
- Post a photo on your social media channels of a female friend or family member who has inspired you.
- Visit a museum or art gallery, and check out all the masterpieces created or founded by women.
- Shop at local businesses that are owned by women.
- Become a mentor to a young woman or young professional.
- Play Monopoly! After all, it was created by a woman.
— Ashley Metivier
Activities Coordinator, NASBA Center for the Public Trust (CPT)