According to the CDC, roughly 19 million Americans miss a combined 200 million workdays each year, because they are suffering from depression. I wonder if this number would decrease if these individuals believed their coworkers looked forward to seeing them and actually missed them when they’re gone.
As we enter the season of Thanksgiving, remember to express your appreciation for those who are being a difference in your life. Perhaps you have a coworker who consistently helps you complete projects. Maybe there is someone in your building who commonly greets you with a smile. Do these people know how much you appreciate their presence in your life? I challenge you to do something positive for at least one coworker before Thanksgiving.
Here are three simple ways to brighten your coworkers’ day and let them know they are appreciated:
1. Unscheduled Thanks
Consider dropping by your coworker’s desk to say “I don’t need anything, but as I was thinking about Thanksgiving, I thought about all the times you have helped me out this year, and I just wanted to say thanks. You make coming to work more enjoyable. If I can ever return the favor, please let me know, and I’ll be glad to help.”
2. Surprise Gift Card
Perhaps you’d like to do something special for someone, but don’t want them to feel obligated to return the favor. Consider giving them a small gift card to a coffee shop or restaurant. Leave it on their desk with a note that says “Just wanted you to know that you are appreciated. You do so much to help others, and it doesn’t go unnoticed. Happy Thanksgiving from your coworker!”
3. Spread the Good News
For coworkers who have gone the extra mile for you, send a message to their supervisors to let them know how much you have enjoyed working with their employee. The boss will appreciate the update on your coworker’s performance, and you have submitted helpful feedback, which may be used in the employee’s performance review.
These are just a few examples of ways you can express thanks for your coworkers, but the possibilities are endless. Do you have other ideas for giving thanks? Share them on our Facebook or Twitter pages.
If you read this blog and can’t think of anyone at your company who fits the criteria, consider intentionally doing positive things for your coworkers anyway. Perhaps you can lead the trend of being a difference, within your organization.
Always remember, Leadership is a Lifestyle.
– Ryan W. Hirsch
Program Manager, NASBA Center for the Public Trust